Hair Loss - Causes and Cures

Hair Loss - Causes and Cures
Your diet will affect the growth, health and shine of your hair. The nutrients in the blood, particularly protein, are transferred to the hair bulb, resulting in the formation of hair cells. Nutrients form the basis of hair creation. So, a poor, un- nutritious diet that is low in protein, will effect the amount of nutrients in the blood, thereby influencing the rate of hair growth negatively. Learn about more ways to avoid hair loss by clicking here. ProTress Energising Shampoo and Lotion helps to counter the negative effects that stress has on your hair by facilitating blood flow around the scalp which aids the transference of nutrients and oxygen to the hair bulb, stimulating hair growth.
Stress and tiredness will have an adverse effect on the growth, health and vitality of your hair. For example, if you are stressed it might follow that you tense your body. When your body is tense, your scalp tightens and the blood capillaries contract which reduces the amount of oxygen and nutrients that can reach the hair follicles, hindering hair growth. Oxygen and nutrients are vital to your hair’s growth and health. ProTress Energising Shampoo and Lotion helps to counter the negative effects that stress has on your hair by facilitating the circulation of nutrients and oxygen to the hair bulb, stimulating hair growth.
Hair growth can be effected negatively by menopause, polycystic ovaries and thyroids disease. Excessive use of prescription drugs can also cause hair loss because the chemicals get into your blood stream and get transferred to your hair bulb, contaminating your hair structure. ProTress Essential Scalp Therapy strengthens remaining hair by rebalancing and purifying the scalp, reactivating peripheral micro circulation.
Prior to menopause, women produce high levels of oestrogen which protects the hair roots. Oestrogen helps to keep hair strong, preventing breakage.
Damaged Hair
Hair breakage is one of the first signs your hair is damaged, click here to learn more. If the ends of your hair are breaking off rapidly then this is nature’s way of letting you know that you need to trim the ends of your hair. Intervening by cutting your hair will prevent further hair breakage. We recommend trimming your hair every 2 -3 months. There are lots of benefits from trimming your hair, click here to find out more. To restore the length of you hair after a trim or if you want to increase the rate at which your hair grows, treat your hair with ProTress Essential Scalp Therapy Energising Line which increases the flow of blood around the scalp, improving the rate at which nutrients are passed to your hair bulb, stimulating hair growth.
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