
ProTress Essential Scalp Therapy Energising Shampoo and Lotion is an effective, simple to use treatment, for hair loss and thinning hair.

ProTress Essential Scalp Therapy Energising Shampoo and Lotion is unlike any other hair loss treatment on the market today because our formula is grounded in science and has been developed to work in tandem with the growth cycle of your hair.
How Hair Grows
Hair grows when blood circulates around your scalp and passes nutrients and oxygen to your hair bulb (micro circulation). Here's where ProTress Essential Scalp Therapy Energising Lotion comes in; ProTress Essential Scalp Therapy Energising Lotion improves micro circulation and revitalises hair bulbs and follicles, prolonging the Anagen (growth) stage of your hairs growth cycle, preventing hair loss and improving hair growth.
Check out how it works here:

ProTress Essential Scalp Therapy Energising Shampoo

ProTress Essential Scalp Therapy Energising Lotion

ProTress Essential Scalp Therapy Energising Lotion contains the patented Si Matrix PF, which is a revolutionary ingredient for treating hair loss. Si Matrix PF is innovative treatment for connective tissue recovery, making hair thicker, stronger and less prone to break or shed, thereby reducing hair loss. Si MATRIX is also a fundamental nutrient for the scalp, guaranteeing a balance of good and healthy hair. Si Matrix PF works to:
1) Re-balance and reactivate the scalp
2) Revitalise hair bulbs and follicles
3) Restore hair growth
4) Stimulate and strengthen hair
Once the Lotion is applied to the scalp, a tingling sensation will occur (as if massaging the scalp) to increasing blood flow - peripheral micro circulation. The effect will improve the supply of oxygen and nutrients to the hair bulbs, whilst also revitalising and reactivating hair follicles to stimulate hair growth.

ProTress Essential Scalp Therapy Energising Lotion also contains anti ageing components which counteracts the negative effects that ageing has on hair growth. ProTress Essential Scalp Therapy Energising Lotion also performs the vital role of purifying the scalp, helping to soothe scalp inflammation and eliminate bacterial infections, all of which cause hair loss. By acting as a cleanser, the lotion ensures the scalp does not become too clogged and weakened by over-productive sebum and the build-up of hair products, which also cause hair loss. ProTress Essential Scalp Therapy Energising Lotion, together with ProTress Essential Scalp Therapy Energising Shampoo, creates a healthy, clean scalp, free of inflammation and bacteria, fostering an environment conducive to hair growth.
Made with Natural Extracts of Rosemary, Nettle and Passion Flower
The synergy of our natural ingredients ensures effective action against the imperfections of the scalp, which results in hair loss. Our natural extracts stimulate and purifies the scalp, while conditioning your edges/hair line:


Nettle is rich in Vitamins A, B, C and K, Carotene, Magnesium, Mineral Salts, Phosphorous, Protein, Silica, Sulphur and Tannins. Nettle is naturally rich in Silica and Sulphur, which has a nourishing effect on your hair, leaving hair shinier and healthier. Nettle also has a stimulating effect on the scalp, improving micro circulation, encouraging hair growth and assists in combating hair loss.
Passion Flower
Passion flower contains antioxidants, which are ideal for maintaining healthy hair. Passion flower also has anti inflammatory properties, which help to soothe the scalp, eliminating trauma caused by hair loss conditions such as Traction Alopecia.
Stop the feeling of despair every time you wash or comb your hair because of excessive shedding. Using ProTress stops hair loss and restores hair growth. ProTress is one of the most affordable and effective treatments of hair loss in the UK. A 3 month treatment pack costs the equivalent of £5.83 per week and can be applied in the comfort of your home, which saves you time. If you want to stop hair loss, restore hair growth and achieve stronger, thicker hair, just follow two simple steps (1) Wash your hair with ProTress Shampoo at least once a week (2) Apply the Lotion directly to your scalp. It’s as easy as that.